Lean, Dense, Muscle:
The New Way To Bulk Up Without Getting Fat
Want to know a secret?
I used to HATE going to the gym. Yeah, it’s true. Weird to hear from a fitness coach, right? But it’s true.
I used to avoid the gym as much as I could. I was scared...intimidated…
And I was small.
I wanted to look like the jacked guys who walked in and out of here on a regular basis. I wanted big, sleeve-stretching arms with girls hanging off them.
But I had no clue where to start. So I did what any other scared teenager would do - hopped on a treadmill for thirty minutes and then did arms.
As you can probably guess, my body didn’t change. I stayed soft. I stayed small. I lacked confidence. Girls wanted nothing to do with me. I wore baggy clothes to hide a body I was ashamed of.
Finally, I started doing workouts I’d find on bodybuilding.com or in Muscle & Fitness. You know the ones - the workouts done by your favorite juiced up bodybuilding who lived, slept, breathed, and shit training?
Clearly those workouts had to work, right?
I started hitting the gym 6 days per week, for 2 hours. And I started seeing some results. But that was more a result of actually started to train consistently, rather than following a well-designed training plan for me.
Because eventually I got burned out. I couldn’t keep that up.
There had to be a better way. So I did what I did best: researched and studied. I applied my experience studying Aerospace Engineering to building muscle. I started tracking my protein, carbs, and fat. I read everything I could about lifting weights.
I knew there had to be a better way. A way to spend less time in the gym while still seeing great results. After all, regular guys who didn’t have hours per day to dedicate to the gym had great physiques...why couldn’t I?
Then almost by accident, I stumbled across it as a result of needed to spend less time in the gym because of school. I used to spend hours in the gym, chasing the pump. But I didn’t have time. So instead, I started pushing myself harder. As hard as I could. So hard my muscles couldn’t move the weight another inch.
And something started happening...
I weighed 150 lb. when I left home for university at the end of August. A few months later, I returned for Christmas break a lean 177 lb. I walked in the door, and my brother took one look at me and said, “holy crap…your neck is huge!”
And it’s this discovery I made that became the foundation for the November Workout of the Month - The Lean, Dense Muscle Protocol
Lean, Dense Muscle - Punch Your Ticket to Jacked
The mistake I was making in the gym - spending hours multiple days per week chasing the pump - is the same mistake I see guys making all the time.
It’s based off the same belief I had years ago that came from those workouts I found - that building muscle is hard, and takes a lot of time in the gym each week to accomplish.
The first part of that is true - building muscle is hard. If it weren’t, everyone would be yoked.
But it doesn’t need to take a lot of time. In fact, if you want to build more muscle, you should train less.
Muscle is built as a result of fatigue. And the more efficiently you can fatigue a muscle, the less often you need to train.
Most people equate training less with less results. But when you’re training intelligently, and making the most of your time in the gym, you actually don’t need to spend hours there at all.
The Lean Dense Muscle Protocol

The Lean Dense Muscle Protocol
Learn the training secrets natural bodybuilders have been using for decades to help you build 5 lbs of lean muscle this month without the chub, skyrocket strength, and build the physique of a god - without spending hours in the gym or eating 6 dry, bland, kill-me-now meals per day.
Created By Jason Maxwell

Jason Maxwell is a Rocket Scientist
Jason Maxwell is a Rocket Scientist turned Fitness Professional. Because of this, he appreciates the science of helping people get jacked and lean.
Here are 4 things you should know about him:
-He graduated Top 3 in his class with a Bachelor of Engineering.
-He is certified through the National Strength and Conditioning Association and Functional Movement Systems.
-He has a Master's level nutrition certification.
-He knows how to get results based on science and its applications.
In the Lean Dense Muscle Protocol, you’ll discover…
- Why ditching barbell work will actually IMPROVE your results.
- How to train to failure the correct way.
- Why using pre-exhaust work to pump your muscles at the start of each session is the key getting stronger and building more muscle
- The secret calf raise set that will finally add size to your chicken legs.
- How to use Anabolic Stretching to achieve a big, veiny, throbbing pump to blow up your arms and blow out your sleeves.
- A leg day so sadistic, you’ll have to be carried out of the gym.
- How to build more muscle and get a ridiculously wicked pump WITHOUT spending hours in the gym each day.
...and much, much more.
The Lean Dense Muscle Protocol
Build 5 lbs of Lean Muscle This Month Without Getting Fat

Learn the training secrets natural bodybuilders have been using for decades to help you build 5 lbs of lean muscle this month without the chub, skyrocket strength, and build the physique of a god - without spending hours in the gym or eating 6 dry, bland, kill-me-now meals per day.
With this fun, easy-to-follow workout, you have the choice to train 3x, 4x, or 5x per week.
It is a 100% digital product. You can read it on your computer, tablet, smart phone, or print it. After you complete the payment, you will get access to the PDF files which includes:
You'll Also Get 1-Month Trial Access To The Max Fit Lab, Which Includes:

Max Fit Lab Workout of the Month
On the 1st of each month, you will get a new professionally designed and periodized workout. If your goal is to build muscle, lose fat, and get stronger, then this workout is for you. The best part is, every month will feel like Christmas, because you'll be getting a new workout. Never again will you need to worry "which program should I do next". The Max Fit Lab is your next workout.
There are workouts for people who train 3 times per week, 4 times per week, and 5 times per week, and each workout takes about 60 minutes to perform. You will need access to barbells, dumbbells, and cables.
This month's Workout of the Month is the component mentioned above.

Complete Nutrition Package
You will use nutrition to dictate whether you are building muscle, or losing fat.
Included in the nutrition section is a nutrition calculator that tells you how many calories, proteins, carbs, and fats to be eating daily.
As a bonus, I've created a complete course teaching you how to use Flexible Dieting, how to track your macros (the easy way), how to choose your goal, my top recommended supplements, and much more.

Private Facebook Community
Researchers say that you're a combination of the 5 people closest to you. In other words, if you hang out with a bunch of obese people that don't work out, then you are more than likely to become an obese person who doesn't work out.
Alternatively, if you surround yourself with like-minded people with the same goals as you, you can get jacked together, and the process becomes easier.
That's why I created the Private Facebook Community. Everyone works together doing the same workouts, with the same goal, supporting each other and keeping each other accountable. This keeps you motivated to stay on track and stick with the program.
On top of this, if you ever have a question about your Max Fit Lab workout of the month or ANYTHING related to fitness and nutrition, then this is the place to get your burning questions answered.

Exercise Video Library
The problem with most workout programs is that they don't show you how to do the exercise.
With the Max Fit Lab, we've filmed every exercise you can think of and included it in an extensive video library. Any time you see an exercise in your workouts that you don't know, you can look it up in the library. The library works on any device with an internet connection.

Discount Codes To Make The Max Fit Lab 100% Free
Included in the Max Fit Lab are discount codes for my recommended supplements and workout apparel. If you buy supplements on an ongoing basis, and you need new clothes every now and then the amount of money you'll SAVE with the discount codes will essentially make the Max Fit Lab 100% free. This means you'll get ongoing access, and your regular expenses will stay the say (or even decrease). You will also get 20% all JMax Fitness products.
Stop Wasting Your Time In The Gym
Get Jacked Today With The Workout-of-the-Month
Course Closes In...
For 30 Days, Then $49.95 Monthly
- Component 1: Workout-of-the-Month
- Component 2: Complete Nutrition Package
- Component 3: Private Facebook Community
- Component 4: Exercise Video Library
- Component 5: Discount Codes On Your Favorite Supplements and Workout Gear
When you order today, you get instant access to the Max Fit Lab workout of the month and a special 30-day access to the Max Fit Lab VIP site. After the 30 day trial period, membership is only $49.95/month. You may cancel easily at any time. No questions asked.
Why It's Only $1
To be blatantly honest, this is my ethical bribe to give you a taste of the type of workouts in the Max Fit Lab. I’m confident that you’ll love the Max Fit Lab, and that the workouts will be some of the best muscle building, fat shredding, and strength building workouts you’ve ever done.
If you’re not impressed, you can cancel at any time (and heck, you can even keep the program.)
Each month, I create a new workout based on your goals. This month, I want to let you try it out for $1. If you love it, do nothing and you’ll be billed $49.95 per month. This way, you’ll be locked in at the best price ever and get access to the Max Fit Lab Workout of the Month (and everything else included in the Max Fit Lab), each and every month.
Founding Father’s Discount
Right now, you’re getting the Max Fit Lab Workout of the Month and 30-days free to the Max Fit Lab. After 30-days, do nothing, and you’ll only pay $49.95 to get continued access to everything included in the Max Fit Lab. After the timer below hits zero, you won’t be able to join the Max Fit Lab anywhere until I re-open in again in the future.
WARNING: After the timer below hits zero, you won’t be able to join the Max Fit Lab anywhere until I re-open it again in the future.
If you join today, you lock in the best price ever with the “Founding Father’s Discount” of only $49.95 (but you get this month for $1). Because the The Max Fit Lab is new, I'm letting you lock in your Founding Father's Discount today. The founding fathers rate is only available until we hit 300 members. Once this happens, I'll be increasing the price to $99.95 per month. But if you join today (for free), you get locked in at the lowest price ever.
I wanted to make the Max Fit Lab Workout of the Month a no-brainer for you to join today for free.
Registration Officially Closes In...

Cancel Anytime, 60-Day Money Back Guarantee
The Max Fit Lab will give you results, and joining for $1 today is a no-brainer. Try it out for 60 days and if you aren’t happy then just send me an email and I’ll refund your entire purchase – no questions asked.
You can also cancel at any time. There is no tie in or contract, you are free to cancel at any time.
Proof That The Max Fit Lab Workout-of-the-Month Is Amazing Value
For everything you get in the Max Fit Lab, here's what you'd expect to pay if you were buying everything separately:
Monthly professionally periodized workout program to build lean muscle, shred fat, and get stronger.
Value: $200 Per Month
Personalized macronutrient calculations, flexible dieting guidance, and dietary supplementation plan.
Value: $200 Per Month
A comprehensive guide on how to track macronutrients and adjust your diet so that you lose fat or build muscle on command.
Value: $50 Per Month
Complete exercise video library showing you how to do almost every exercise known to man.
Value: $100 Per Month
Private Facebook Community where you can get all your questions answered and be surrounded by others who will support you.
Value: $30 Per Month
Discount codes on products that you're already buying, including supplements, workout clothing, beauty products, and JMax Fitness products.
Value: $20 Per Month
Having 100% control over how your body looks and feels.
Value: Priceless
If you don’t claim your workout and join the Max Fit Lab, how will your life be any different tomorrow than it is today?
If you don’t claim your workout join the Max Fit Lab today and you choose not to let it help you build muscle, lose fat, and get stronger and make big changes in your life, then how will your life be any different tomorrow than it is today? The answer is: it’s not, you’ll still be spinning your wheels.
Investing in yourself today will deliver the foundation necessary to make EVERYTHING in your life come easier and faster -- including that killer physique you’re striving for.
If you're not lean, jacked, and strong, you won't be happy with how you look with or without clothes. You'll feel slow, weak, and you won't be reaching your potential playing sports with your friends or even feel strong moving around the living room furniture for that special someone.
Because of this, I’m giving you “My 60 Day Money Back Guarantee” to allow you to get more fit and confident. Thanks to my clients, test subjects, and proven science, I know that this simple program works. Join me RISK-FREE today.