Discover How To Add 20lbs To Your Bench Press, 15lbs To Your Deadlift, And 20lbs To Your Squat In Less Than 3 Months
DUP is the little-known strength training method used by the strongest lifters in the gym that will get you stronger without ever hitting a plateau.

Try For Only $5

Click "Tell Me More" and I'll tell you how you can try the entire DUP Method system for only $5.

If You're Looking to Get Stronger, Then This Information is Critical...
Let me tell you a story...
...About what strength athletes and every day lifters are calling the "gold medal" of strength techniques for men and women of any age looking to get strong, fast.
This black market strength method allows you to lift more weight within as little as 3 weeks, without hitting a plateau.
In fact, if you start using this method today, you'll get results so quickly that people will accuse you of cheating.
...But they won't ever ask you "Do you even lift?"
Being strong is the foundation to getting and staying lean, building muscle, and athletics. If you skip out on learning this method (which is backed by science and research), you could stay weak forever.

It's Not Your Fault That You're Weak
Now, you may not be as weak as the guy in the picture, but you're reading this because compared to many people, you feel like you're weak. It's not your fault.
There's so much out there on the internet. You see videos of people lifting more than you on Facebook and Youtube. If that's not enough, the raw world record in the deadlift is 1015lbs. If you can deadlift 355lbs then that's a paltry 35%. If you were being tested, you'd have an "F" in your deadlift, and you'd be going to summer school.
Use Daily Undulating Periodization (D.U.P.) to Get Stronger the Right Way
D.U.P. pretty much flies in the face of everything published in bodybuilding magazines over the last 20 to 30 years, which advise you to:
- Hit every muscle group once per week.
- Go to failure on every set.
- Perform a variety of exercises to hit your muscles from every angle.
- Make sure you rest at least 5 days between working body parts to allow for adequate recovery.
- Program almost every exercise in the hypertrophy range of 8-12 reps per set.
This is all wrong.

With D.U.P., You Will:
- Train lifts multiple times per week.
- Train the same muscle groups and even perform the same exercises on consecutive days.
- Use a limited number of exercises.
- Use periods of over-reaching.
- Work in a variety of rep ranges with varying levels of intensity.
What Is D.U.P.?
D.U.P. is essentially high-frequency training. You hit a muscle group or perform a lift three, or possibly even four or five times per week.
The Eastern Europeans were, by far, the best weightlifters in the world in the 1950s and 1960s.
While their alleged increased advances in “assistance” no doubt attributed to this, they were also proponents of high-frequency training (similar to D.U.P.) – squatting, pulling, snatching, cleaning and pressing six or seven days per week, and up to three times per day.
Using D.U.P. Is Simple

With D.U.P., you only train 3-4 lifts for 95% of the time, so it is very simple to use. Because of this, it gets you results quickly.
Test subjects using the D.U.P. Method have added 20lbs to their bench press, 15lbs to their deadlift, and 20lbs to their Squat in less than 3 months.
If You Use the D.U.P. Method, You Will:
- Be stronger so that you don't feel weak in the gym. This will allow you to have an easier time to lose body fat, or put on muscle mass.
- Enjoy training so that going to the gym won't feel like a chore.
- Set new PR's regularly, impressing yourself, your friends, and your followers on social media.
- Be able to eat all of your favourite foods.
Created by Fitness Professional: Mike Samuels

Mike Samuels is a personal trainer and diet coach.
He trains clients for fat loss, strength and performance and generally being awesome.
Here are 4 things you should know about him:
Mike is a competing powerlifter, and currently holds the Under-23 bench press record for the South East of England.
He has coached clients from all over the world for powerlifting, bodybuilding, physique competitions, photo shoots and sports performance.
Before discovering evidence-based training and flexible dieting, but was a full-on "clean eater" - but fat!
His writing work has appeared on T-Nation,, Layne Norton's website, the Personal Trainer Development Center, and EliteFTS.

With Jason Maxwell
Jason Maxwell is a Rocket Scientist
Jason Maxwell is a Rocket Scientist turned Fitness Professional. Because of this, he appreciates the science of helping people get jacked and lean.
Here are 4 things you should know about him:
He graduated Top 3 in his class with a Bachelor of Engineering.
He is certified through the National Strength and Conditioning Association and Functional Movement Systems.
He has a Master's level nutrition certification.
He knows how to get results based on science and its applications.

Besides Strength, You Can Use The D.U.P. Method To Build Muscle, Lose Fat, Get Faster, And Build Endurance
Strength Coach, Eric Cressey, once used an analogy of a cup with water in it.
The size of the cup is dictated by your maximum strength - if you're stronger, the cup is bigger. The water inside is your musclular potential, fat loss potential, speed, and endurance.
Eventually the cup gets full. What do you do next? The only thing you can do to progress is to increase the size of the cup - by getting stronger. DUP allows you to do this.

With The D.U.P. Method, You Will Discover:
- 5 Sure Ways To Get Stronger Regardless Of How Busy You Are
- The Amazing New Diet Secret Of Strength Athletes And Fitness Competitors
- A New Way To Get Stronger That Has Never Failed
- 7 Questions You Must Ask About D.U.P. And The One Question That Will Separate Yourself From The Rest
- Four Things You Have To Do Before Ever Touching A Weight
- The #1 Most Effective Way To Bench, Deadlift, And Squat
- The 8 Greatest Nutrition Guidelines Of All Time: What They Are And How To Use Them
"I am really happy with this considering I am 16lbs lighter than when I last truly had a go at testing my maxes!"
"I just finished my test day after a 3-week training block.
Here are my results Squat - 197.5kg (5kg PR) Bench press - 125kg (2.5kg PR) Deadlift - 200kg (2.5kg PR) I am really happy with this considering I am 16lbs lighter than when I last truly had a go at testing my maxes!"
- Danny Davies
"I will train using DUP for the rest of my lifting days and never look back."
"I've been lifting for about two years and haven't felt as good about my lifts and my body as I do lifting using DUP. I could feel myself getting stronger and it's been reflecting on my numbers. Specifically my bench which has always been a weak point for me. Most importantly what I like about DUP is that before I would feel alot of break down on my body. I would feel that the programs I was using were pushing me far and beyond.
With DUP I feel that I get the perfect amount of work and push without making me feel as though I was breaking at times. I feel very physically healthy, and physically strong now, more than I've ever had. I honestly could say that I will train using DUP for the rest of my lifting days and never look back."
- Carlos Lara
"I've had massive success with DUP, my squat increased from a max of 100kg to 160kg in 12 total weeks!"
"I've had massive success with DUP, my squat increased from a max of 100kg to 160kg in 2x6 week cycles! My deadlift went from not even thinking of attempting 180kg to doing it for doubles and even an AMRAP of 7! An increase of 60kg from any previous attempts!
And finally my bench went from never getting the double plate, triple figure 100kg to getting 120kg for a double!"
- Dylan
"It was a great tool for increasing my strength as well as improvements to my physique."
"I was a Figure Pro looking for a way to increase my muscle growth while keeping my feminine curves. I used the DUP training protocol for 10 months both while reverse dieting and in prep for stage. It was a great tool for increasing my strength as well as improvements to my physique. I also did a powerlifting meet 3 weeks after my show and won my class."
- Lori Pyper, IFPA Pro
"Absolutely over the moon with my results. Couldn't be happier."
"Just thought I'd drop you a line to let you know how pleased I am with the DUP Method program I purchased from you.
I couldn't keep progressing on a linear strength program like 5x5 it was too stressful on my body and didn't want to switch to just a hypertrophy style workout and lose strength. Your program seemed to have the best of both worlds and was training the main compound lifts that I belive give you the best bang for your buck
I have just completed two back to back cycles of DUP and this week was the first strength test. My results are as follows:
Previous strength test:
- Bench: 97.5kg (all time best 100kg)
- Squat: 130kg
- Deadlift: 150kg (all time best 160kg)
New results:
- Bench: 105kg
- Squat: 145kg
- Deadlift: 175kg
Bodyweight just under 80kg (I'm in a calorie deficit now as well and still managed to smash that deadlift tonight).
Absolutely over the moon with my results. Couldn't be happier."
- Andy Cowie
"I competed and finished with a 350 lb squat, 480 lb deadlift and a 250 lb bench press won my category."
"I figured I’d give DUP a go, and so committed myself to following the system for 12 weeks.
The results were – how shall we say – rather pleasing. Actually, they were pretty damn awesome.
I wasn’t a bad lifter beforehand, having competed in a few competitions as an under-74kg (163 lbs) lifter. My lifts were semi-competitive in my federation, with a 330 lb squat, 465 lb deadlift and a 230 lb bench press, but I wasn’t going to win any silverware. Until I tried DUP, that was.
Flash forward 12 weeks, and I competed in the GBPF South East Championships. And finished up with a 350 lb squat, 480 lb deadlift and a 250 lb bench press. I won my category … oh, and also took best junior lifter on the day based on the Wilks score.
Not only that, but I’d gotten leaner over that 12 weeks, and actually weighed in for the comp at 71.1kg (156 lb) – down 5 pounds from my previous meet. So that’s an increase of 55 pounds on my total, and my Wilks score shooting from 337.63 to 364.13. Not bad for 12 weeks work. Thanks DUP!"
- Mike Samuels
"My strength went up significantly leading up to my powerlifting meet, even while losing a significant amount of body weight."
"I first started incorporating DUP into my weight training program this past summer, while prepping for my first powerlifting meet & simultaneously cutting for a figure show.
My strength went up significantly leading up to my powerlifting meet, even while losing a significant amount of body weight. At my first meet, I totaled a 403 Wilks score, after following DUP for less than 6 months.
I had never seen my strength increase so significantly until I started this training protocol and would highly recommended it for anyone looking to see improvements in their strength or physique."
- Katie Anne Rutherford
"20 weeks later my squat is up by 35 kg and my deadlift is up by 30 kg."
"After competing at 5 shows over a 15 month period my strength was poor, but now 20 weeks later my squat is up by 35 kg and my deadlift is up by 30 kg.
I ran 4 DUP blocs in that period, and my strength is increasing more or less on a weekly basis.
It's great squatting, benching and deadlifting 3x/week and the ever changing volume makes it even more fun and motivating."
- Rasmus Hansen
Athletes Who Use D.U.P. In Their Training*

Dr. Layne Norton

Ben Esgro

Ryan Doris

Will Grazione

Paul Revelia

Mike Pucci

Mike Samuels

Nick Cheadle
*These athletes are not using and are not affiliated with The D.U.P. Method, they are simply using or have used some form of D.U.P. in their training.
What Does the Research Say?
DUP Gets You Up To 194% Stronger Than Linear Programming

In 2002, Rhea et al. showed that DUP is superior to linear periodization (similar to programs such as 5x5). The study was done with 20 trained males who had at least 2 years of training experience. They did a 12 week DUP plan for 3x per week. As you can see in this picture above, the DUP group gained almost twice as much strength when compared to the linear group (program similar to 5x5).
DUP Quickly Gets You Strong by Increasing Your 1RM

In 2008, Petersen et al. took 14 well trained firefighters. Half were put on a DUP program and the other half were put on a linear program. In 9 weeks, the DUP program increased strength, power, and vertical jump more than the linear group. Overall, the DUP group increased their 1RM much more than the linear group.
What Makes DUP So Effective?
When it comes to getting big, strong, and lean, volume is key.
Volume = Load Lifted x Total Reps
How do you know your volume is increasing when you simply walk into the gym and just try to “lift heavy?”
Answer – You Don’t.
DUP is carefully managed however, so that each week of each block your total volume is higher than the last. This means more muscle gain, a higher workload, and ultimately faster fat loss and strength increases.
DUP Is More Effective Than Traditional Periodization
In fact, a 2008 study from Petersen et. al discovered that DUP was over twice as effective as linear periodization in increasing lifters’ upper-body strength, power output and vertical jump height.
DUP Gets You Strong As Hell
In a 2002 study by Rhea et. al a linear routine was put up against DUP.
This involved people who actually lifted, not untrained beginners, and the results were simply staggering.
Researchers found that those on a DUP routine increased their bench press strength by 25.61% and their leg press strength by 55.78%, whereas those on a linear routine only increased by 14.37% and 28.78% respectively.
The bottom line is that DUP has 2 huge advantages over traditional strength training programs when it comes to getting bigger, stronger, and leaner.
The superior strength increases mean you build more fast-twitch muscle fibers.
These are far more metabolically active than slower twitch fibers, and therefore have a higher demand for calories, so your metabolic rate and daily calorie burn go through the roof.
Secondly, the guaranteed strength and volume increases mean your body manufactures more muscle-building and fat-torching hormones.
You NEVER fail a lift, and systematically get stronger, making plateaus a thing of the past.
The DUP Method
Digital Fitness Program To Get You Stronger In Less Time

The DUP Method is an easy-to-follow workout and nutrition plan that uses the latest science to allow you to get stronger in as little as 4 weeks.
It is a 100% digital product. You can read it on your computer, tablet, smart phone, or print it. After you complete the payment, you will get access to the PDF, and MP4 files which includes:

Component 1: The DUP Method Main Manual
This is your starting point with DUP.
In it, you'll learn how to use DUP properly and efficiently.
You'll learn how to limit soreness, how to progress, as well as what the best program is for you.
Also, you'll learn how to get started quickly, and will be introduced to 5 day, 4 day, 3 day, and 2 day DUP programs, as well as how to build muscle using DUP.

Component 2: The DUP Method Nutrition Guide
This guide gives you a primer on how to eat when using DUP training.
In it, you'll learn everything you need to know about eating and DUP.
You'll learn how to determine your calories, protein, carbs, and fats to be eating daily. You'll learn the proper way to track your calories, and what are the best foods to eat when training with DUP.

Component 3: The Optimal DUP Workout Log
This is the flagship workout program for the DUP Method.
This workout plan is meant to be done 5 days per week. Put it on your smartphone or print this off and bring it with you to the gym and it will tell you every set and every rep to do while using the DUP Method.
This workout log is what a Personal Trainer would use to train you if you had time to train 5 days per week, or if you were planning on getting strong for a sports event such as a powerlifting meet, physique show, or even a football game.

Component 4: 4-Day Per Week DUP Workout Log
This is the condensed version of the DUP Optimal Workout Log, and is meant to be done 4 days per week. Put this on your smartphone or print this off and bring it with you to the gym and it will tell you every set and every rep to do while using the DUP Method.
This workout log is what a Personal Trainer would use to train you if you hired one to train you 4 days per week.

Component 5: The "Busy Man's" DUP Workout Log
This is the ultra-condensed version of the DUP Optimal Workout Log, and is meant to be done 3 days per week. Put this on your smartphone or print this off and bring it with you to the gym and it will tell you every set and every rep to do while using the DUP Method.
This workout log is what a Personal Trainer would use to train you if you hired one to train you 3 days per week.

Component 6: DUP For Beat Up Lifters Workout Log
So your knees aren’t what they used to be? Your shoulders don’t like you bench pressing, your hips creak from time to time, and deadlifts are out due to a lower-back injury 15 years ago?
Don’t worry. DUP doesn’t discriminate and make itself available only for those in tip-top shape.
This version of DUP is meant for people who have sore joints or feel "beat up", and is meant to be done 3 days per week. Put this on your smartphone or print this off and bring it with you to the gym and it will tell you every set and every rep to do while using the DUP Method.
This workout log is what a Personal Trainer would use to train you if you hired one to train you 3 days per week, and you are injury prone or have a history of lifting related injuries.

Component 7: DUP For Hypertrophy Workout Log
This version of DUP is meant for people who have one goal in mind: build muscle. It is meant to be done 4-5 days per week. Put this on your smartphone or print this off and bring it with you to the gym and it will tell you every set and every rep to do while using the DUP Method.
This workout log is what a Personal Trainer would use to train you if you hired one to train you to build muscle.

Component 8: DUP For Fat Loss
Looking to lose fat by using DUP?
Shredded bodybuilders and figure competitors are using DUP to get lean, and now, you can too.
In this manual, you will learn the real secret to fat loss, what to do for cardio, the exact step by step DUP For Fat Loss plan, the DUP Fat Loss diet, and much more.
This workout manual is what a Personal Trainer would use to train you if you hired one to train you to shed the fat and get lean.
If You Order Today, You Will Also Receive These Great Bonuses:
Bonus 1:
Bench Press Video Guide

Bonus 2:
Squatting Video Guide

Bonus 3:
Deadlift Video Guide

Stop Wasting Your Time In the Gym
Start Getting Stronger Using D.U.P. Today

The DUP Method is a set of digital eBooks and video files available for instant download.
You can read it on your computer, tablet, or smart phone.
What Happens If I Don't Invest Today?
Investing in yourself today will deliver the foundation necessary to make EVERYTHING in your life come easier and faster -- including that killer physique you’re striving for.
If you're not strong, you'll find it tough to build muscle and lose fat. You'll feel slow, weak, and you won't be reaching your potential playing sports with your friends or even feel strong moving around the living room furniture for that special someone.
60 Day Money Back Guarantee
The DUP Method will give you results, and investing in it today is a no-brainer. Try it out for 60 days and if you aren’t happy then just send me an email and I’ll refund your entire purchase – no questions asked.

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
Of course. The DUP Method works for both women and men. This is why we have a mix of both male and female testimonials.
Yes. The DUP Method works for beginners. The reason it works so well is because the program is simple and focuses on 3 main lifts plus a few accessory exercises. This is good for beginners because it will help you master the basics first and foremost.
Yes. The DUP Method works for people over 40. We've included a program called "DUP For Beat Up Lifters". This is good for people over 40 because it uses exercises that are easier to perform people people with older bodies. In fact, people over 40 respond better to DUP vs Linear Periodization because the volume and recovery is managed.
Yes, you can do it at home if you have the equipment. You will need a barbell with weights, as well as some dumbbells, and a cable or band pull down.
Not much. You will need a barbell with some plates, as well as some dumbbells, and a cable or band pull down.
Yes, as a bonus you will be given 3 videos teaching you how to properly squat, bench press, and deadlift.
No, it's pretty simple. Each workout contains about 4 exercises, and we explain how the flow of the workout should go, teaching you about how many sets and reps use.
There are no shipping costs. The entire program is digital, so you will be able to download the files instantly. This will save you money and time.
Upon payment you’ll be redirected to a special page where you can download the materials directly to your computer and have them emailed to you.
Yes, the ebook file types are PDF, so you can view it on any device. You can also print off the program if you wish to read it on paper, or take it with you to the gym. The video files are in .mp4 format, so any free video player will play them.
I know that you will love this program since hundreds of people from around the world have already purchased and implemented it. However, if you aren’t happy with the program, I offer a 60 day money back guarantee. I want you to get results and grabbing this program should be a no-brainer for you.
You get access to everything listed on this page (Components 1-7, as well as all the bonuses).
Today's payment is a one-time payment. You will not be billed any other payments in the future.
The DUP Method is a digital eBook and software available for instant download.
You can read it on your computer or your favorite e-reader.
While everyone's body is different, the biology of your muscle is the same as everyone else. The program is based on science and case studies to getting stronger.
If you're worried about it working for you, take advantage of my 60 day money back guarantee. Use it as written for 60 days, and if you're not seeing results, you get your money back. There is no risk involved on your part.

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In the World of fitness, particularly Internet fitness, there’s a lot of people promising a lot of things.
Sometimes it’s hard to tell whether the author, coach, or trainer is a real person who has the ability to help others achieve real World results. Well, Jason is a real person and his methods work both with clients in-person, and through his programs that he painstakingly tests and promotes online.
Jon Goodman The Personal Trainer Development Center
After following my DUP programming for over 35 weeks I can say it’s one of the most demanding and rewarding decisions I’ve made.
Pushing yourself every week trying to get rep PR’s has easily added over 200lbs to my powerlifting total. Also the amount of muscle I’ve gained by slowly increasing my volume will be of great use once I step back on to the bodybuilding stage later this year.
Mike Pucci Unique Prep
If you don’t invest in The DUP Method, how will your life be any different tomorrow than it is today?

If you don’t invest in The DUP Method today and you choose not to let it help you get stronger and make big changes in your life, then how will your life be any different tomorrow than it is today? The answer is: it’s not, you’ll still be spinning your wheels.
Investing in yourself today will deliver the foundation necessary to make EVERYTHING in your life come easier and faster -- including that killer physique you’re striving for.
If you're not strong, you'll find it tough to build muscle and lose fat. You'll feel slow, weak, and you won't be reaching your potential playing sports with your friends or even feel strong moving around the living room furniture for that special someone.
Because of this, I’m giving you “My 60 Day Money Back Guarantee” to allow you to get stronger and feel more fit and confident. Thanks to my clients, test subjects, and proven science, I know that this simple program works. Join me RISK-FREE today.
Stop Wasting Your Time In the Gym
Start Getting Stronger Using D.U.P. Today

The DUP Method is a set of digital eBooks and video files available for instant download.
You can read it on your computer, tablet, or smart phone.
If you’re looking for a sure-fire program to build strength and mass, then The DUP Method is your answer.
Whether you’re an average dude just trying to look better or a competitive lifters looking improve a specific lift Jason and Mike have you covered from every angle. The DUP Method hits on every aspect to maximize your time in the gym as well as the 23 hours outside of the gym, such as recovery and soft tissue work to diet and supplementation.
This guide is extremely thorough and educational for everyone from the average lifter to the seasoned coach, Jason and Mike hit on every aspect of DUP to help you maximize training for your goals, whether it’s getting stronger, adding slabs of muscle, or improving your knowledge on daily undulating periodization. This product further solidifies Jason and Mike as two of the best coaches at breaking down complex methodologies into readily usable information.
If you’re looking to ratchet up your training for more strength and more mass, then The DUP Method is a must have.
Eric Bach Bach Performance
Peterson MD, Dodd DJ, Alvar BA, Rhea MR, Farve M. Undulation training for development of hierarchical fitness and improved firefighter job performance. J Strength Cond Res. 2008;22:1683–1695.
Rhea, Matthew R., Stephen D. Ball, Wayne T. Phillips, and Lee N. Burkett. "A Comparison of Linear and Daily Undulating Periodized Programs with Equated Volume and Intensity for Strength." J Strength Cond Res The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 16.2 (2002): 250. Web.
“TESTOSTERONE NATION | Figure Athletes.” TESTOSTERONE NATION | Figure Athletes. Web. 16 Sept. 2014. <>.
“The Time Course For Elevated Muscle Protein Synthesis Following Heavy Resistance Exercise” Web. 16 Sept. 2014. <>