Not the best "post workout shake".
No, I’m not talking about Red Bull or Gatorade. I’m talking about a very special secret that will maximize your time in the gym. I know what you’re thinking: “if it’s a secret, then why are you sharing this information?” Well, it’ll be our little secret…
Weight training itself does not build muscle; it actually breaks down muscle. You are building muscle when your body starts to recover from the damage done in the gym. Your body will magically recover itself…eventually. As we both know, “eventually” isn’t good enough. We want recovery to start NOW!
Enter Workout Drinks. Sipping on these babies around your workout window will dramatically increase recovery. This means less soreness the next day, a better night’s sleep, and an increased performance in the gym. You see, during exercise, levels of the stress hormone cortisol are elevated. Too much cortisol in the system leads to muscle breakdown, and a decreased immune system (AKA not good). Sipping on a workout drink will help bring your cortisol levels down.
I’m not going to give you the research, but I will definitely give you the recommendations. As of right now, you probably have no clue what is even in a workout drink. I’m going to give recommendations for people trying to lose fat, maintain their body (stay lean), or gain muscle.
Losing Fat
20 minutes before workout: Drink 5-10 g of BCAA’s in water.
During workout: Sip on 5-10 g of BCAA’s in water.
Immediately after workout: Drink 5-10 g of BCAA’s in water.
20 minutes before workout: Drink 5-10 g of BCAA’s in water.
During workout: Mix the following ingredients in water and sip during your workout
- Quick absorbing carbs (Dextrose/Maltodextrin) – How much (in grams of carbohydrates)? Bodyweight(lbs)÷3. Ex. A 180lb male would have 60g of carbohydrates.
- Protein (whey isolate, or hydrolyzed whey) – How much (in grams of protein)? Bodyweight(lbs)÷6.
- 5-10 g of BCAA’s.
Immediately after workout: Drink 5-10 g of BCAA’s in water.
Building Muscle
20 minutes before workout: Drink 10 g of BCAA’s in water.
During workout: Mix the following ingredients in water and sip during your workout
- Quick absorbing carbs (Dextrose/Maltodextrin) – How much (in grams of carbohydrates)? Bodyweight(lbs)÷3.
- Protein (whey isolate, or hydrolyzed whey) – How much (in grams of protein)? Bodyweight(lbs)÷6.
- 10 g of BCAA’s.
Immediately after workout: Mix the following ingredients in water and drink
- Quick absorbing carbs (Dextrose/Maltodextrin) – How much (in grams of carbohydrates)? Bodyweight(lbs)÷3
- Protein (whey isolate, or hydrolyzed whey) – How much (in grams of protein)? Bodyweight(lbs)÷6
- 10 g of BCAA’s
That’s it. Easy as pie. Pick your goal, stick to the protocol, and watch yourself reach your goal.