This isn't the nutrition tip, but it's still a good rule to live by.
First of all, I’d like to wish everyone a Happy Easter, Passover, and whatever else you might be celebrating. If you have a big family dinner coming up, and you want to hack this day to lose fat, then check out this article here: HACKING THE HOLIDAYS
Now, many of you came to read this blog post for one reason…you want to know what the heck it is that you’re not doing. If the nutrition tip is good, then you want to be doing it, right?
Well, I have some great news for you. What I’m about to tell you is absolutely dead freakin’ simple. Anybody can do it, and you have to have the intelligence of a dog to not understand its simplicity.
The Best Nutrition Tip That You’re Not Doing is…
YOU SHOULD NOT BE KEEPING JUNKFOOD (OR NON-DIET FOOD) IN YOUR HOUSE! There, I said it. Think about this for a second. How often do you walk into your kitchen for some water, open up the fridge, and see something awesome, like leftover cake, some beer (I’m allergic to this, so I don’t think it’s that awesome, but you might), or maple syrup. You think to yourself, oh, I’ll just have a little bit. This will happen throughout the day. Next thing you know, you will have eaten/drank a couple portions of this food/drink, and completely ruined your diet for the day. What’s next? You decide to turn the day into a cheat day and binge.
Tomorrow’s a new day, right? Well guess what, you repeat the process again. This turns into you craving more crap, and the next thing you know, you’re eating and drinking crap every day.
Everyone is guilty of this some time in their life. It’s natural; especially when you are eating for fat loss. I can’t count the number of cravings I’ve had in the past couple weeks (most of the cravings have been things like nut butters, and almond milk, but I’m a whole other being when it comes to food).
Cure the Disease
Kelly Starrett said it best, “Best self defense: Don’t be there.” We’ve already come to that conclusion. Everyone says that knowledge is power, but there’s nothing more powerful than actually doing something. Naturally, I’m going to ask you to do something. Correction: I’m going to tell you to do something.
Go to your kitchen right now, and go through your fridge, freezer, every cupboard, and anywhere else that you hide your crap. The next step? Donate it to your friends. This way, they’ll get fat, and you’ll get lean. When you go to the beach with them, all eyes will be on you. Not an attention whore? Give it to a homeless person, or throw it out. Personally, I don’t think anyone should be eating crap, but if someone is truly starving, then I may make an exception.
List of Crap
Here is what you should be throwing out:
- Cereal
- Cake
- Cookies
- Chips (that includes corn chips)
- Junkfood
- Any condiments that have more than 5 ingredients
- Most types of bread (sorry, it’s probably crap).
- Anything that has ingredients that you’ve never heard of.
- Ice cream
- Fruit juice (sorry, it’s also probably crap)
- Leftover takeout food
- Granola bars
- Popcorn
- Salad dressings
- Sauces
- Trailmix
- Flavoured yogourt
- Energy drinks
- Diet soda
- Anything that makes you feel bloated, tired, or sick afterwards
That’s pretty much all I can think of. The truth is, most people know that what their eating is crap, but they just don’t want to do something about it. So, I’ll repeat, do something.
When Can I Eat Crap?
Good question. I’m all for eating healthy, but I’m also a big supporter of treating yourself. Consider this as a bonus tip. If you want to treat yourself, either: 1) Go out for a nice dinner (finish the food there), 2) Buy only enough dessert for one portion (no leftovers), 3) Enjoy this food at someone else’s house.
The bottom line: try to keep it out of your house!
Now, you may be reading this, and thinking, but it’s a holiday. Holidays are exceptions. Enjoy your holiday, but give away your leftovers that are non-diet foods. This means that you can save the meat and vegetables for later.
Sound like a deal?
Good. Now go get your six pack.