Should We Squat Ass to Grass?
To answer your question, no, we shouldn’t. Here’s the thing with squatting: we know that it is great for gaining strength, gaining muscle, and losing fat. Yet – thanks to the internet – the skinny noobz on the forumz preach squatting ass to grass (super deep). There’s a reason why this isn’t a good idea…
The Best of the Best Part 1
I’m going to start featuring other people’s articles and videos. If you want to learn a thing or two about fitness, health, and/or nutrition, you need to check out some awesome stuff on this list: Sweet Articles How I Really Train – Dan John Is Your Strength Training Deliberate? – David Wu A Training Program…
How to Rock a Cheat Day (Without Feeling Bad or Getting Fat)
Here’s an excerpt from my latest article on BreakingMuscle.com: “There I was: sitting at the table, staring at my empty plate. Like the plate, I was inanimate, unable to move. It makes a lot of sense, though. I just downed a full pepperoni pizza with extra cheese, a half dozen sour cream-glazed donuts, and a…
How to Use Creatine
The purpose of this article isn’t to prove to you that creatine’s safe. That’s been done before with study after study after study. No, today is all about using creatine to get the best bang for your buck. Creatine’s Purpose Creatine does three things that you need to know:
Paleo Smaleo
Paleo… what’s the big deal? Lately, we’ve been hearing people recommend eating like a caveman. Is this all a bunch of B.S., or is there some merit in its thinking? Well, I have some news for you: everyone should do it for at least 30 days. It works. It’s awesome. But it’s not for everyone. …