How to Get Bigger Legs
Pure pain. That’s the answer. If you know me, you know that I’m the opposite of “chicken legs”. While part of it may be genetics, I want to tell you something: I know what makes legs grow. First of all, I’m going to tell you my theory as to why some people genetically have chicken…
Best of the Best Part 3
Here are all the kick ass things that you should be reading/viewing/loving/sharing. Check them out and share this page if you loved any of the stuff on here. Articles Mighty Trainer – Jon Goodman Figuring Out Your Life and Lifting Goals – Dan John Intermittent Fasting: Why and How a Food Lovin’ Girl Chooses Not…
Tough Mudder Training
People are crazy. People are intense. People are wild. That’s why we have races like Tough Mudder, Spartan Race, and other various mud runs. I know a bunch of people who have entered Mud Runs, but when I ask them what they are doing with their training, 90% of them said they were doing long distance…
5 Hardcore Cardio Methods That Will Burn Fat and Get You Strong
The following is a guest post by the one and only, Travis Stoetzel from TravisStoetzel.com and Facebook.com/HardcoreStrength. I want you to know that 99% of Travis’ philosophy agrees with the JMax Fitness philosophy. Enjoy. What up Kids? Travis here. I think by now if you’re following J’s blog then you know that running on a…
A Look Into Bodybuilding
If you know me, you’d never thought that I would have written this. It’s kind of funny though, because in the past year, I’ve come full circle on my views of building muscle and bodybuilding. If you asked me a year ago what to do to build muscle, I would tell you to only doing…