Lift Fast Look Hard
Lifting slowly is fashionable in some gyms. If you manage not to fall asleep before the end of your training session, you may even get some benefits from it. Like everything, there is a time and a place for lifting slowly but how about lifting faster? Few people use speed to their advantage and…

What Every Woman Ought to Know About Building Muscle
Jason Maxwell is a Rocket Scientist turned Fitness Pro that has helped over 6300 people gain at least 10 lbs of muscle in the past 3 years. Here (in brevity) are 43 of the things he has learned that works best for women. It’s more difficult for women to gain muscle than men. The…

Get a Life: How to Train in the Morning
You’re busy, you’re stressed, training is at a standstill and you’re still “skinny-fat”. On top of all that, you still haven’t cleaned your apartment or taken your car to the shop because you’re “just too busy”. Welcome to adult life. We all have stressors, bills to pay, and most imortantly, our lives. You’ve probably…

Why You Need a Junk Food Budget
“You’re eating that junk again? Don’t you know that stuff’s bad for you?” I looked up, smiled at her, then went on eating my tub of cookie dough ice cream. Annoyed, she persisted – “You’re a trainer, you shouldn’t be eating that, it sets such a bad example. Anyway, it’s not fair, you obviously have…

What Every Man Ought to Know About Building Muscle
Jason Maxwell is a Rocket Scientist turned Fitness Pro that has helped 43,000 men gain at least 10 lbs of muscle in the past 3 years. Here (in brevity) are 39 of the things he has learned. “Everything works for 6 weeks.” – Dan John. No matter what you try to do, if you stick…