Exploiting the Bodybuilding Physique
Take a look at the following physiques. Do they inspire you? Do you want to become just like them? With all due respect to Markus Rühl and Jay Cutler, most people, even those that go to the gym, are repulsed by them. They may be big and lean, but they’re unattractive – unaesthetic, as bodybuilders…

Ask the Experts: How Do You Get Big Shoulders
Everyone looks great with wide shoulders. It shows dominance and adds to a tapered physique. I asked 11 fitness experts “How do you get big shoulders?” These were their answers: Mike Samuels Don’t neglect lateral and rear delt training. If you could only pick one exercise, it’d be the overhead press. But fortunately, you DON’T…

Is the Bro Split a Myth?
Guys, we’ve all been there – rushing out to pick up the latest copy of Flex, Muscle and Fitness and Muscular Development. One of your favorite bodybuilders or fitness models is on the cover, and they look incredible! Then there’s the outlandish feature title: “Six Pack in Six Weeks“ “Add an Inch to Your…

Stage Ready Myth
You didn’t mean to end up here. In fact, you didn’t even see it coming. It all started when you decided to improve your looks, build more confidence and attract more attention. You were tired of being too soft or too skinny, and you wanted to add some muscle and be lean in the right…

How to Get Great Results With Your Workouts
In a perfect world, we’d all be jacked and lean. As you’ve probably learned by now, this world isn’t perfect and many people who regularly hit the gym can’t seem to make good progress, regardless their efforts. They seem to be running in circles even though they are training well with a consistent regime.…