In the next 600 words, I will burst your bubble.
What if I told you that your eating plan sucks and people think it resembles one that of a 6 year old girl? Sometimes the truth hurts.
Houston, we have a problem, and it’s got to do with what most people think works. They think that Intermittent Fasting (IF) is the end all be all of diet plans. Their logic: since I’m intermittent fasting, I can eat like the Mother Goddess and look like Hercules. It doesn’t work that way. You still need to eat good quality food. I don’t know how we got the notion that we can eat like crap, fast, and still look awesome. In the end, you are what you eat. If you think that intermittent fasting is an excuse to eat badly, then you are dead wrong.

The Mother Goddess
What Intermittent Fasting is Actually For:
Controlling Average Caloric Intake
My friend Dan Go put it best, “If you use your credit card and go into debt, you pay it off, right? Then it makes sense that if you eat too much one day, you can eat less the next to pay off your caloric debt.” In other words, we can use intermittent fasting as a tool to prevent you from eating too much food and gaining weight. This is true.
But, you don’t have to overeat on junkfood all the time. You can overeat on good quality foods like beef, fish, and nuts.
This is why I like a weekly full day fast for fat loss. I can have larger meals 6 days a week and then diet 1 day per week.
If you want to eat like crap, plan it as a cheat day. In this case, a full day fast is a great way to follow a cheat day to detox and control average caloric intake.
It’s still not the magic bullet though. Everyday can’t be a cheat day; unless your goal is to look like the Michelin Man. You need to win your battles too, you know.
Which is easier: a)Eat 6 healthy meals per day, or b)Eat 3 healthy meals per day.
For most, the answer is b). This, my friends, results in higher compliance. When it comes to body composition, compliance is king (sticking to your diet). IF is great for compliance, because it means you can eat larger, healthy meals, less frequently. If you are skipping breakfast, you are also not tempted to be eating the muffins and donuts available at work.
The muffins will be gone by 11am and I’ll be fasting until 1pm. Nuts, guess I missed the good stuff.
What Intermittent Fasting is NOT For:
An excuse to eat junkfood all day everyday.
Think about this logically. Is it possible to eat only Twinkies for 2 weeks straight and actually be happy with your body composition? Someone already tried that. While they lost weight, they didn’t look good naked.
(I’m not saying I saw them naked, I’m only assuming.)
I know you want to look good naked. That’s why you’re reading this. That’s why I’m writing this.
All the bodybuilders of the past got into great shape without intermittent fasting. Thanks to new research, we know that IF is now a viable option to help us stay lean. It is a tool used to control average caloric intake and breed compliance. Just be forewarned: eating junkfood all the time then fasting isn’t great for compliance. Now that I’ve burst your bubble, it is shrinking and starting to reveal your abs. You’re welcome.
I’ve put together a free ebook teaching the ins and outs of making Intermittent Fasting work for you. You can use it for calorie control to stay leaner, but you still need to eat the proper amounts of carbs, protein, and fat. You want to look lean and jacked, not fluffy like the twinkie guy. If you liked this article, then you’ll love this free ebook: How to Stay Leaner By Skipping Breakfast