JMax Fitness Podcast: Gene Expression Training With Vince Del Monte
This week, I sat down with muscle building specialist Vince Del Monte to talk about my favourite subject, muscle. In this episode, you will learn: The importance of Gene Expression Training Vince’s story (which you’ve probably never heard) Vince’s favourite coaches The importance of lifting a weight properly No Nonsense Muscle Building And much more……

JMax Fitness Podcast: Increasing Testosterone Naturally with Alpha Male Chad Howse (The Man Diet)
I was fortunate enough to sit down and talk to alpha male, Chad Howse (author of the Man Diet). In this interview we talk about: Increasing your testosterone naturally Why you need to wake up every morning with a boner Chad’s “Testosterone” shake Chad’s favourite books The Man Diet And much more… Selected Links From…

JMax Fitness Podcast: Daily Undulating Periodization with Mike Samuels
I consider strength coach Mike Samuels to be one of the biggest authorities on Daily Undulating Periodization in the fitness industry. Here’s what you should know about him: Mike is a competing powerlifter, and currently holds the Under-23 bench press record for the South East of England. He has coached clients from all over the world for…