6 Supplements That Are Worth Your Money
It’s Friday afternoon and you walk down the brightly lit shop aisle, purposely avoiding the gaze of the young shop attendant, past the packaged fruit and herbal teas and straight to the “Sports” section. “Just protein powder,” you say to yourself “I just came in for protein powder.” In your pursuit of health and a…

The Damaging Effects Of Low Testosterone In Men
As men grow older, so do their testosterone levels. According to studies conducted by the American urology care foundation, 20% of men in their 60’s are likely to experience a drop in their t-levels. The number increases to 30% of men in their 70’s, and by the time these men clock 80, half of them…

Time Under Tension: A Battled-Tested Training Protocol
When it comes to building muscle, there are a lot of factors that come into play. You have the basics: rep ranges, total sets, rest periods, technique and exercise choice. But, there is one variable that often gets neglected, if not forgotten about altogether. The amount of time you actually spend lifting weights.…
Donut Dieting: How To Use IIFYM To Eat Your Favorite Foods
Look, we live in a misunderstood world where some people think weights don’t need to be re-racked, crunches burn belly fat, legs don’t need to be trained, and that you must eat like a rabbit to get lean. If eating like a rabbit is the only way to getting lean, that just sounds cruel and…
How To Combine Protein, Carbs, And Fats For Optimal Results
Ah, the timeless debate of what makes up optimal macronutrient combinations. While prevalent for years in bodybuilding circles, I’ve seen bits and pieces of the debate start to trickle down to the general population. While not the end all be all of debates or physique-altering factors, the combination in which you eat your macronutrients can…