Finally, a Strength Training Program For Women Who Want to Look Like They Lift
The Foolproof Plan For Women Who Want to Build Muscle, Lose Fat, and Get Stronger

If you're the kind of girl who wants to quickly build sexy, feminine muscle, while getting leaner and stronger (all without bulking up and getting fat-looking), then this page will show you how.
You see, I once knew this girl who struggled with her weight her whole life.
Throughout high school, she had many issues with her body image. Sadly, this lead to her developing an eating disorder. Over the course of a year, she lost 50 lbs by doing 2 hours of cardio every day (combined with her eating disorder). On the outside, she looked happy and healthy, but on the inside, she felt terrible.

A program for girls who want to lift weights instead of doing hours of boring cardio.

She started noticing that she was getting very weak.
Mundane tasks like climbing up the stairs or walking down the street increased in difficulty. This got worse and worse until an unfortunate day in 2009.
Her plan was to go to the gym, jump on the treadmill, and not leave until she burned 500 Calories. After a 5 minute warmup, she was already feeling light headed. She gradually increased the speed. 5km/h. 6km/h. 7km/h...
...Then her world went black.
She woke up the next day in the hospital with an IV bag attached to her arm.
At this time, she weighed under 100lbs, and her resting heart rate was 24 beats per minute. The doctor said if she hadn’t collapsed at the gym, she probably would have died within a week. This is when she was officially diagnosed with an eating disorder.
Over the next 5 years, she embarked on a journey of self discovery and self worth. On this journey, she discovered powerlifting. As she started to notice strength and muscle gains, she fell in love with the weight room, and most importantly herself. Back in 2014, she sent me the following email:

That one email is the single reason why you’re reading this page, and it’s exactly what you’re going to learn today.
The problem is that as a woman who wants to build muscle and strength, you're forced to do programs written for men.
It's not your fault.
You're a woman. You shouldn't be training like a man.
3 Reasons Why Women Should Train Differently Than Men
Men Want Big Arms, Women Want a Big Booty
Programs for men focus on building the arms, pecs, traps, and shoulders, and neglect muscles that amplify a feminine physique. As a woman, you want to be focusing on building your glutes and upper back, and doing much less arm work than men. Your goal is to build muscle over your entire body while amplifying your hourglass figure.
Women Can Train More Frequently Than Men
As a female, your work capacity is superior than a male's. This means that you can recover faster than a man. Because of this, you can train more often and do more work than a man, and get better results. Most programs for men have you training each body part once per week. As a woman, you can train each body part 2-7x per week and make incredible gains.
Programs For Men Will Make Girls Bulky
It's a myth when fitness professionals say that women can't get bulky from lifting weights. I'm here to tell you that you can if you're doing the wrong program. Many programs for men recommend bulking up by increasing their calories dramatically. This works great for building muscle, but it will also mean gaining fat. When a woman gains fat and muscle at the same time, it makes her body look bulky, and takes away from the hourglass figure.
Ladies. Want To Build Lean Muscle And Strength?
Then You Need To Do This:
Prioritize Strength Training
The focus of each and every workout should be to get stronger. This means adding weight to the bar. Lifting for strength burns many calories, but you’ll also build muscle. This allows you to stay leaner and tighten up the problem areas such as bingo wings, muffin tops, and fat around the thighs and butt.
Focus On The Big Lifts
You goal should be to get stronger in the big compound exercises. By focusing on lifts such as squats, deadlifts, bench presses, pullups, and hip thrusts, you’ll be able to build muscle over your entire body as well as developing a lean hourglass figure.
Use Full Body Workouts
As a woman, you can handle training more frequently than a man. This means instead of doing a body part split, you will need to switch to a full body workout. This allows you to train each muscle group more frequently, and build muscle while maintaining a lean and feminine physique.
Introducing, the breakthrough muscle-building and strength program for women who actually want to look like they lift weights...

She Lifts is the only strength training program on the market for women who want to lift heavy, build muscle, and lose fat.
- 7 breakthrough lifting programs for women.
- Easy to follow program for girls who actually want to build muscle, strength, and lose fat (without bulking up and getting fat looking).
- Templates for girls who want to train 2x per week, 3x per week, 4x per week, and 5x per week.
- Programs for girls who are beginners, intermediate, and advanced.
She Lifts is a set of digital eBooks and video files available for instant download.
You can read it on your computer, tablet, or smart phone.
She Lifts Is Not Like ANY Other Program Out There...
Here's why. Other programs usually leave you:
- Feeling tired and leaving you with no energy.
- Have you doing hours of boring cardio that never seems to work.
- Craving your favourite foods (especially during your menstrual cycle).
- Hitting plateaus after only 6 weeks.
- Rebounding after finishing the program and gaining all the fat back.
- Feeling weak and defeated.
You see, most programs will work for about 6 weeks. But you always end up getting the negative side effects listed above. With She Lifts, you will be lifting in the gym to build a sexy and strong feminine body. This way, you'll feel stronger, avoid plateaus, and fall in love with your workouts and your body.
If you're stuck, it's not your fault.
Many muscle and strength building programs are made for men. Girls do them, and end up building muscle, but with a thick layer of fat. This makes them look bulky, and they hate the way they look.
Other fat loss programs will make girls starve themselves, do lots of boring cardio, and only bodyweight resistance training. This works for 6 weeks, and then they plateau. The end result is you jumping from program to program.
It's an endless cycle of unhappiness...but it's not your fault. There are thousands of programs online that are all scams. They only work for 6 weeks, and then afterwards, they stop working.
The truth is that if you want to get great results... If you want to get stronger, build muscle, and get leaner, then you need to use an intelligent resistance training program. She Lifts is your answer.
She Lifts is Dead Simple To Use
Print Off Your Workouts or Upload Them To Your Phone
All you have to do is bring the workouts to the gym with you and follow what’s written. Everything is explained and it’s very simple. You do what’s written, record your results on the paper, and build muscle, strength, and lose fat.
Watch the Exercise Videos
If you don’t know how to do a certain exercise, there is a video of every single exercise included. This means you’ll always be doing the exercises correctly. You’ll get stronger, and eliminate the risk of injury. On top of this, you’ll have great confidence in the gym knowing that your form is better than all the boys’.
Easy to Use
Each workout is written so that you can get started today if you want. It’s not a complicated program. It’s meant to be simple, yet very effective. You could easily get started together, go into the gym, and kill your first workout.

You'll Get Results Fast
You can add up to 30lbs to your lifts within 6 months.
Users of the She Lifts Strength Building Program increased their main lifts (squat, bench press, deadlift, and hip thrust) by an average of 5lbs per month.

You can gain up to 12lbs of muscle in your first year.
Users of the She Lifts muscle building program gained an average of 1lb of muscle per month (without getting fat and bulky).
You can lose up to 5lbs per month.
Users of the She Lifts Fat Loss Program lost an average of 2.5% of their bodyweight in fat per month. If you are 200lbs, expect to lose 5lbs of fat in your first month. If you are 150lbs, expect to lose 3.75lbs of fat in your first month. If you are 125lbs, expect to lose 3.125lbs of fat in your first month. In only 3 months, a 150lbs woman can expect to lose 13lbs of fat.

Welcome To Your New Life
- Imagine having complete control over how your body looks.
- Imagine being able to lose fat, or build muscle, or gain strength with ease.
- Imagine how good it will feel to eat the foods you love and know that they're going toward building a lean physique instead of worrying about them making you feel fat.
- Imagine the satisfying feeling of waking up in the morning, looking in the mirror, and loving your flat stomach, and lean muscles.
- Imagine how good it will feel going shopping, and wear clothes that fit your body perfectly. Your butt will look incredible in those jeans and you know you'll get tons of compliments on it.
- Imagine the confidence you'll get from looking incredible, every single day.
- Imagine how good it will feel to out lift many of the guys in the gym. You'll be addicted to getting stronger, and you'll look forward to your workouts.
With She Lifts this can, and will be your new life.
Created by Fitness Professional: Mike Samuels

Mike Samuels is a personal trainer and diet coach.
He trains clients for fat loss, strength and performance and generally being awesome.
Here are 4 things you should know about him:
Mike is a competing powerlifter, and currently holds the Under-23 bench press record for the South East of England.
He has coached clients from all over the world for powerlifting, bodybuilding, physique competitions, photo shoots and sports performance.
Before discovering evidence-based training and flexible dieting, but was a full-on "clean eater" - but fat!
His writing work has appeared on T-Nation,, Dr. Layne Norton's website, the Personal Trainer Development Center, and EliteFTS.
With Jason Maxwell
Jason Maxwell is a Rocket Scientist
Jason Maxwell is a Rocket Scientist turned Fitness Professional. Because of this, he appreciates the science of helping people get jacked and lean.
Here are 4 things you should know about him:
He graduated Top 3 in his class with a Bachelor of Engineering.
He is certified through the National Strength and Conditioning Association and Functional Movement Systems.
He has a Master's level nutrition certification.
He knows how to get results based on science and its applications.

With She Lifts You Will Learn...
- 5 lies all fitness professionals tell women.
- How J-Lo got her booty.
- The 3 exercises that make your boobs look bigger and your waist look smaller.
- The method that allows you to eat more food without getting fat.
- How to burn more calories by doing less exercise.
- A secret, “back door” way of burning fat while you sleep.
- 10 reasons why you need to be strength training.
- The 4 muscle myth busters.
- The scientific EPOC method so that you can…
…Burn fat while you are sitting at home on your front porch reading a book.
- A scientifically proven way (discovered by the University of Tampa) for women to get stronger. (Regardless of your size).
- How to get stronger by only lifting 2 days per week.
- Why building muscle will actually make you look MORE like a woman.
- How to gain as much muscle as you want, when you want to gain it.
- Cardio makes you lose fat, right? Wrong.
- The incredible secret (used both by Kate Upton and Chelsey Handler) that lets you build muscle and strength while still looking like a supermodel.
- How vegetables can make you fat and ice cream can make you skinny.
- How to get results that you would sell your kids for (luckily you don’t have to).
- A scientifically proven method that female fitness competitors are using to…
…Maximize their fat burning hormones.
- The “girls only” strength method that will make men so jealous that they’d even give birth to know your secret.
- How to lose 6lbs of fat this month.
- The #1 WORST mistake you can make with your running. (Even if you do everything else “right”, your program will fall apart if you make this mistake that no one talks about.)
- How to add 30lbs to your lifts within the next 6 months.
- Want to build a Kardashian-sized butt? Use Hip Thrusts, Deadlifts, and Bulgarian Split Squats.
- Why women should lift weights to lose fat, build muscle, and/or get strong.
- How you can look like Wonderwoman instead of Adele.
…And much, much more. Including…
- The best workout for building muscle without having to bulk up and get fat looking… How to build confidence so that you look forward to going to the gym instead of feeling lost and embarrassed… How you can build a hot body that looks great in a dress, bathing suit, or even your pajamas… How to have a flat stomach year round while drinking wine and eating cheese… And much more.
Here's What Other Girls Are Saying...

"Mike's training program is great, I love it"
Mike's training program is great, I love it! We met at the Layne Norton training camp so I knew we were on the same page about nutrition and training. Mike helped me prepare for photoshoots and got me stage ready with strength training, minimal cardio and flexible dieting - which made competition prep so much more enjoyable. Strength training not only got me stronger physically but mentally as well.
"I feel strong and sexy."
I've loved using Mike's program for the past 6 months! It helped me define my personal goals in fitness when I was pretty lost. For strength training, I've learned a lot about my body along the way. The nutrition portion has helped me learn my own eating patterns and preferences. It's given me power over what I put in my body and how to make it most efficient and work in a long term and sustainable way. Strength training has reduced my spine and joint pain, its helped me cut body fat, and just changed how my body is shaped. I feel strong, sleek, powerful and sexy...not masculine or bulky like people warn you about. - Laura

"Lifting weights was huge for me. Both physically AND mentally."
Lifting weights was huge for me. Both physically AND mentally.
Not only did weight training help me lose a total of 110 pounds from when I was at my biggest, but it gave me a release of aggression and frustration when I was at a very low point in my life.
Going heavy (and going HARD) has helped me build a body I’m proud of, and wouldn’t change for anything.
With Mike in charge of my programming, I know I’m in safe hands, and sessions will test me, but at the same time be fun and varied so I never get bored. Plus, the fact I see my performance (and physique) improving every week means I look forward to getting my lifting in.
Carly J.
Gabby lost 15lbs and completely transformed her body.

"Mike's training program is an absolute game changer."
Training with Mike has not only been a mental game changer, but a personal growing experience as well. Not only have I broken my terrible mental block when it comes to my relationship with food through flexible dieting, but I've also learned that strength and aesthetics are not mutually exclusive. I love seeing my body change and noticing my body's capacity from consistent training and proper fueling. Never settle for less than what you or anybody who believes in you and your goals set up to achieve! I highly recommend Mike's program. - Amanda H.
"Mike really is a clever guy!"
I wanted to do a bikini competition, I knew I didn't want to do this on my own. What I needed was someone who I respected, would be there when I needed support when the rough times cropped up, had copious amounts of knowledge and experience, and would get me to my goal in the most healthiest way possible.
I then came across Mike Samuels. Through lots of researching other prep coaches for women, Mike's name kept popping up in my head as my 1st choice and so I asked him, and that was it!
I can honestly say that without a doubt it was a great decision. But what I most enjoyed was the actual experience of the prep more than the stage, from the exercise program he put in place to the diet.
Mike really is a clever guy!

Mike Samuels' and Jason Maxwell's strength training program increased my squat from 95kg to 112.5kg, bench from 52.5kg to 57.5kg and deadlift from 100kg to 115kg in one 12 week block.
Danica Russ, Weipa, Australia
Before Mike Samuels, I was over 200 lbs and stuck where I didn't know how to keep going. I'd been working for 6 months to lose weight & get healthy but was getting there through unhealthy dieting & intense, long cardio sessions. I began by purchasing Mike's e-book on flexible dieting. As a mom of 2, it implemented perfectly into my lifestyle. I began losing weight at a slow, steady, healthy pace! Then, I stumbled onto his FB page. My life began to change. I started his program and lost 10 lbs in 2 months but more importantly began to get stronger. I was addicted! The workouts are easy to fit into my busy lifestyle and require no equipment. I've been going for 6 months & am happy to say I'm down over 30 lbs! I am making habits I'll keep for the rest of my life & am totally loving my newfound stronger body!
Rachel, Cincinnati, OH, USA
Mike's program made me so strong and I'm getting stronger every day.
Angelina Stilphen, Cincinnati, OH, USA
I am just starting this journey, but I am so comfortable with Mike and the flexible eating plan. His writing and honesty makes you feel like he is sitting in your living room.
Rose, Canada

Digital Fitness Program For Women That Want to Get Stronger, Lose Fat, and Build Muscle.

She Lifts is an easy-to-follow workout and nutrition plan for women (sorry guys).
It is a 100% digital product. You can read it on your computer, tablet, smart phone, or print it. After you complete the payment, you will get access to the PDF files which includes:

Component 1: She Lifts Main Manual
The She Lifts main manual teaches you everything you need to know about weight training for women. In it, you will learn:
- How many days per week you should train.
- The entire She Lifts protocol.
- How to succeed during your workouts.
- The real "secret" to building a feminine figure
- And much more...

Component 2: She Lifts Nutrition Guide
The She Lifts Nutrition Guide will accelerate your fat loss, strength gains, and muscle building. In it, you will learn:
- How to have complete control over your body's weight and leanness.
- How to calculate how many carbs, protein, fat, and calories to be eating daily.
- How to eat the foods you love and still have a lean and sexy body.
- And much more...

Component 3: She Lifts Exercise Video Library
The She Lifts Exercise Video library will show you every single exercise included in the She Lifts program.. In it, you will learn:
- How to do every exercise in the She Lifts program.
- How to lift weights properly so that you don't get injured.
- Tips for setting yourself up right so that you can life more weight.
- And much more...

Component 4: She Lifts Getting Started Guide
Many programs are hard to follow when you first start them. With the She Lifts Getting Started Guide, you'll be able to jump right into the program with ease. In it, you will learn:
- The 7 steps to success.
- How to know which program to start with.
- How to calculate your maxes.
- And much more...

Component 5: She Lifts Muscle Building Program
The She Lifts Muscle Building Program will allow you to build sexy, feminine, non-bulky muscle. In it, you will learn:
- How to gain up to 12lbs of muscle your first year.
- The best exercises for girls who want to build muscle (these exercises are different from men).
- The unique 5-day program that will add muscle in all the right places to enhance your feminine figure instead of making you look manly.
- How to build muscle without having to bulk up and get fat looking.
- And much more...

Component 6: She Lifts Powerlifting Program
The She Lifts Powerlifting Program is for girls who want to get stronger. In it, you will learn:
- How to add up to 30lbs to your lifts in 6 months.
- One of the most effective powerlifting programs for women that men wish they could do.
- The unique 3-day per week program that will increase your deadlift, bench press, and squat.
- And much more...

Component 7: She Lifts Fat Loss Program
The She Lifts Fat Loss Program is for girls who want to lose fat and get leaner. In it, you will learn:
- How to lose 5lbs of at per month.
- How to melt the fat by lifting weights without doing any long and boring cardio.
- 4 fat loss finishers that melt fat faster than a Crossfit workout.
- How to get a flat stomach, and toned arms, legs, and butt.
- And much more...

Component 8: She Lifts 2x Per Week Strength Program
The She Lifts 2x Per Week Strength Program is for girls who want to get stronger and build a leaner body, but don't have a lot of time to train. In it, you will learn:
- The 2x per week plan to getting stronger.
- The 2-Day Split Method for fast strength gains.
- How to get stronger without plateauing.
- For beginners and busy women.
- And much more...

Component 9: She Lifts 3x Per Week Strength Program
The She Lifts 3x Per Week Program is for girls who want to get stronger and build a leaner body, but don't have a lot of time to train. In it, you will learn:
- The 3x per week plan to getting stronger.
- The 3 day training week for maximum strength gains.
- For Beginners and Intermediates
- And much more...

Component 10: She Lifts 4x Per Week Strength Program
The She Lifts 4x Per Week program is for women that want to get stronger. In it, you will learn:
- The 4x per week plan to getting stronger.
- The unique 4 day per week program based on DUP for women only.
- For intermediate and advanced trainees.
- How to get leaner by only training of strength.
- And much more...

Component 11: She Lifts 5x Per Week Strength Program
The She Lifts 5x Per Week program is for women that want to get much stronger and love going to the gym. In it, you will learn:
- The optimal 5x per week plan to getting stronger.
- The unique 5 day per week program based on DUP for women only.
- For advanced trainees and intermediates who love to go to the gym.
- Expect to eat lots of food on this program as you'll be burning a ton of calories (with ZERO cardio).
- And much more...
The entire She Lifts program above is amazing value, but...
When You Order Today, You'll Get These 3 She Lifts Bonuses As My Free Gift To You.

Bonus 1: She Lifts Discovering Yourself Manual
The She Lifts Discovering Yourself Manual will teach you a lot about yourself. In it, you will learn:
- How to know if you're a beginner, intermediate, or advanced.
- Determining your level based on how much time you have to train (it might be more than you think).
- Learn how strong you really are (and how to unleash this hidden strength).
- And much more...

Bonus 2: How to Test Your Maxes
The She Lifts How to Test Your Maxes Guide will teach you how to properly test your maximum lifts. In it, you will learn:
- How to work up in weight to a lift.
- The proper way to determine your maximum strength levels (without getting injured).
- How to warm up.
- Multiple rep maxes versus single rep maxes.
- For girls who want to get very strong.
- And much more...

Bonus 3: She Lifts "The Deload Method"
The She Lifts How "The Deload Method" will teach you the secret to getting results - the deload. In it, you will learn:
- When to take a break from lifting.
- How to deload so that you come back stronger and leaner.
- How to prevent yourself from plateauing by doing less work.
- Every girl needs to learn how to do this, but barely anyone is teaching it properly.
- And much more...
Stop Wasting Your Time With Programs Designed For Men
Get Strong, Sleek, Powerful, And Sexy With She Lifts, Today.
She Lifts is a set of digital eBooks and video files available for instant download.
You can read it on your computer, tablet, or smart phone.
Price Increases to $97 In...
When the timer hits zero, the price will automatically increase to $97. No exceptions will be made. Don't miss out.
What Happens If I Don't Invest Today?
Investing in yourself today will deliver the foundation necessary to make EVERYTHING in your life come easier and faster -- including that lean, sleek, strong, and sexy physique you're looking to attain.
If you don't love the way you look, you'll never feel comfortable in your own skin. You won't have as much confidence during a hot night out on the town, and even in your professional life. Essentially, you're robbing yourself of opportunities in life such as getting compliments, fitting into the clothes you want, making friends, in the workplace, and having fun with that special someone.
60 Day Money Back Guarantee
She Lifts will give you results, and investing in it today is a no-brainer. Try it out for 60 days and if you aren’t happy then just send me an email and I’ll refund your entire purchase – no questions asked.

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
Yes. The program includes different workouts for different skill levels. It doesn't matter if you're a beginner or advanced, you'll get some great benefits from the program and it'll work very well for you.
Yes, of course. Strength training is fundamental. It doesn't matter when you start, but the sooner you start strength training, the better. You'll be able to build an incredible body, and strengthen your bones against osteoporosis. All women should be strength training, regardless of their age.
Yes, if you have a home gym with barbells, dumbbells, and cable machines. If you do not have these, then you'll need a gym membership.
The full program requires:
Yes. Included with the She Lifts program is an entire video exercise library of every exercise used in the program. This way, you'll know how to perform each exercise properly without getting injured.
No, it's really easy actually. Included is a getting started guide so you'll know exactly how to get started today. On top of this, the videos will show you how to do the exercises, and the workouts can be printed off or uploaded to your phone. This way, you can bring them to the gym with you and follow along.
FREE-99 (if you don't get the joke, read it out loud). There are no shipping costs. The entire program is digital, so you will be able to download the files instantly. This will save you money and time.
Upon payment you’ll be redirected to a special page where you can download the materials directly to your computer and have them emailed to you.
Yes, the ebook file types are PDF, so you can view it on any device. You can also print off the program if you wish to read it on paper, or take it with you to the gym. The video files are in .mp4 format, so any free video player will play them.
I know that you will love this program since hundreds of people from around the world have already purchased and implemented it. However, if you aren’t happy with the program, I offer a 60 day money back guarantee. Basically, you pick it up today, try it out for 60 days, and if you don't love your results, you can message me and get a refund. No questions asked. I want you to get results and grabbing this program should be a no-brainer for you.
You get access to everything listed on this page including all the bonuses and videos.
Today's payment is a one-time payment. You will not be billed any other payments in the future.
She Lifts is a digital eBook and software available for instant download.
You can read it on your computer or your favorite e-reader.
While everyone's body is different, the biology of your muscle is the same as everyone else. The program is based on science and case studies to getting stronger.
If you're worried about it working for you, take advantage of my 60 day money back guarantee. Use it as written for 60 days, and if you're not seeing results, you get your money back. There is no risk involved on your part.
If you don't have a credit card, you can also pay with PayPal. If you don't have a paypal account, you can sign up here:
Another option is to buy a pre-paid Visa or Mastercard credit card. Contact your local bank to see how you can purchase one.
In the World of fitness, particularly Internet fitness, there’s a lot of people promising a lot of things. Sometimes it’s hard to tell whether the author, coach, or trainer is a real person who has the ability to help others achieve real World results. Well, Jason is a real person and his methods work both with clients in-person, and through his programs that he painstakingly tests and promotes online.
Jon Goodman Personal Trainer Development Center
If you don’t invest in She Lifts, how will your life be any different tomorrow than it is today?
If you don’t invest in She Lifts today and you choose not to let it help you get stronger, leaner, build muscle, and make big changes in your life, then how will your life be any different tomorrow than it is today? The answer is: it’s not, you’ll still be spinning your wheels.
Investing in yourself today will deliver the foundation necessary to make EVERYTHING in your life come easier and faster -- including that lean and sleek physique you’re striving for.
If you're not strong, you'll find it tough to lose fat. You won't be able to eat as much of the foods you love, and you'll always feel like you're dieting. Adding in an intelligent lifting program will build that sleek, and sexy figure you're looking for, and you'll be able to handle eating more food without it going towards your thighs, butt, stomach, and arms.
Because of this, I’m giving you “My 60 Day Money Back Guarantee” to allow you to build an incredible and sexy figure. Thanks to my clients, test subjects, and proven science, I know that this simple program works. Join me RISK-FREE today.
Stop Wasting Your Time With Programs Designed For Men
Get Strong, Sleek, Powerful, And Sexy With She Lifts, Today.
She Lifts is a set of digital eBooks and video files available for instant download.
You can read it on your computer, tablet, or smart phone.