Attention: Guys Who Need to Build Muscle
How to Gain 5, 10, 15, or even 20 lbs of Lean Muscle and Solve All of Your Muscle Building Problems Forever
Learn the Proven Method for Maximizing Muscle Growth by Using All Rep Ranges to Literally Force Your Muscles to Grow Like Weeds
The Hybrid Muscle Cycle is a new approach to building muscle without ever hitting a plateau, based on the latest scientific research.
- One month muscle building, supplement, and eating program based on science that will help you gain muscle fast, without getting fat.
- Read this entire 35 page program in only 52 minutes so that you can get started building lean muscle today.
- Based on the latest science and case studies to grow both your fast and slow twitch muscle fibers for optimal muscle gains.
The Hybrid Muscle Cycle is an easy-to-follow workout, nutrition, and supplement plan (based on science) that will lead to lean and aesthetic muscle gains.

Never Waste Time in the Gym Ever Again: Build Muscle Fast and With Ease
Most guys are absolutely clueless and hopeless when it comes to building muscle.
They blame it on their “bad genetics” and do things wrong before they even take a step into the gym floor, and continue to fail for weeks, months, and years at a time. That’s a long time to keep failing.
Picture this. It’s Monday, and you walk into the gym. You’ve already taken your pre-workout supplement, and the caffeine is starting to make you feel jittery.
You decide it’s a good day for chest and bis, so you go over and wait your turn for the bench press.
After all, the biggest guys in the gym; the ones whose bodies you’d kill to have, are always bench pressing tons of weight.
You stack on some weight, and start pumping out sets of ten. You start to feel the blood rushing into your pecs, and just hope that you’ll get bigger, and build more muscle. The weight isn’t as much as the biggest guys in the gym, but you just accept that you’re weaker than them, and blame it on your genetics.
You then walk around, and do a few cool exercises you saw on Youtube, copy a few movements you saw the bigger guys do, and then call it a day after busting your ass for about an hour.
Days, weeks, and months go by, and you still look the damn same. You know it’s not your work effort, because you work freakin’ hard in the gym.
So what is it?
It's Not Your Fault.
The biggest guys in the gym – the top 0.01% of the population know the best tricks for building muscle – and you don’t…yet.
That’s why you are constantly hitting plateaus, and your body looks as small as it did last year, and the year before it.
The Solution to All of Your Muscle Building Woes
There are a few tricks to building muscle, and the biggest guys like to keep it a secret. Once I learned the top muscle building tricks, I developed a program to build as much muscle as possible, without ever hitting a plateau.
But I’m not going to be a dick and keep it a secret.
I’d like to introduce you to…
The Hybrid Muscle Cycle
This is one of the best muscle-building programs I’ve ever created. Being a Muscle Gaining Specialist, I’ve put forth all my knowledge to help you build 5, 10, 15, or ever 20 lbs of muscle. That’s a lot of beef.
The Hybrid Muscle Cycle is the best muscle building program because it trains every muscle fiber in your body by using all the muscle-building rep ranges proven to maximize muscle growth.
On top of this, it cycles through the muscle-building rep ranges week by week, so you never hit a plateau. But this isn’t the best part.
Not even close.
The whole program lasts for 1 month, but it can be repeated 11 more times, meaning you can do the program for a whole year, and never hit a plateau.
This means more progress, and more muscle growth. There is no other program like the Hybrid Muscle Cycle out there. Most ”experts” and “gurus” write programs that can’t be repeated. They want you to keep buying more programs from them.
I don’t care about that.
I’ve specifically designed the Hybrid Muscle Cycle to be repeated – again and again. This means more muscle, and continued progress for yourself, without ever hitting a plateau.
It Sucks to Not Make Progress in the Gym
I’ve been in your position.
Years ago, I would bust my ass and work as hard as possible in the gym, to make little to no progress. I wanted to build muscle so bad, that I was working out 6 days per week, constantly blasting my muscles with everything I’d got. If I wasn’t sore the next day, I would be pissed, and work harder next time.
I still saw no results, and blamed it on my shitty genetics.
Just like you, it wasn’t my fault. I just didn’t have the knowledge. If I would have had the Hybrid Muscle Cycle when I first started training, I would be way more jacked today.
I would look in the mirror, and see how baggy my clothes looked. I looked like a moron – just some skinny dude with no abs, and no muscle definition. Because of this, I would feel shy around girls. I would barely talk to them, because I thought they weren’t attracted to my ugly body. I felt like I never had a chance with them.
It sucked.
Other guys I’ve talked to have experienced similar pains. If it wasn’t with women, it was with being shy and unconfident at job interviews, with strangers, or just feeling like a bit of a loser at the beach.
Luckily, the Hybrid Muscle Cycle is Dead Simple
Using the Hybrid Muscle Cycle is ridiculously easy. Your whole workout schedule is planned out for you for the month. You just have to print it out, show up to the gym, and do what’s written.
Never again will you have to spend hours on the internet and reading magazines just to figure out what to do for your workout.
Never again will you have to feel the stress of walking around the gym not knowing what to do, just going from machine-to-machine.
The blueprint to your ultimate body is literally laid out for you in the Hybrid Muscle Cycle.
How Much Muscle Should I Expect to Gain?
If you’re 5’11 and about 155lbs, it’s not uncommon for you to build 20 lbs of lean muscle in only 4 months. That’s a lot of muscle. Yet, it all depends on how long you’ve been training.
For example, it’s a lot easier to gain muscle during your first year of training compared to your third year of training. Using the Hybrid Muscle Cycle, here’s how much muscle you can expect to gain:
Year 1
20-25 lbs of Muscle Gained
Year 2
10-12 lbs of Muscle Gained
Year 3
5-6 lbs of Muscle Gained
Not only will you gain this much muscle, but you will also maintain it for the rest of your life. The Hybrid Muscle Cycle is an instant stepping stone to building the muscle you’ve always wanted, regardless of your crappy genetics.
Screw Your Genetics
I want to show you exactly what your live could be like with 5, 10, 15, or even 20 lbs of muscle.
Close your eyes and do your best to imagine what I will be describing and make it seem as intense as possible, so you can actually sit there and feel (for the first time) what it would be like if your life were actually like this.
What Would Your Life Be Like If...
- You had a big, ripped, athletic, powerful, masculine looking body so that you could feel more confident every single day?
- Your new found confidence allowed you to be more successful and make more money?
- Your confidence in your body allowed you to feel proud to wear a tank top to the gym, and to go shirtless at the beach?
- You felt proud of your body so that girls will notice you, and guys will respect you?
- You were finally able to stop being embarrassed with your body and never have to resort to yourself as a Hardgainer ever again?
The good news is that growing muscle and building the body of your dreams is a simple process…if you use the Hybrid Muscle Cycle.
Here’s How I Discovered How to Build Muscle, Fast and Forever
My name’s Jason Maxwell.
Although I graduated top of my class in Aerospace Engineering, I am a fitness expert, muscle gaining specialist, and author of magazines such as Muscle & Fitness, T-Nation, EliteFTS, Breaking Muscle, The Greatist, and many more.
I’ve helped hundreds of guys build literally thousands of pounds of muscle and counting.
I was never always great with building muscle though…
It all started when I played high school football.
I was a running-back and was getting pounded at every single play. I also looked like a skinny wimp in my football uniform. I knew I had to do something about it.
During football season, I would read everything I could get my hands on about muscle growth, but I was too chicken to try it all out in the gym. I just kept doing what I always did, and still saw no results.
During my first semester of University I decided to try out all the stuff I had been reading about. I used the best muscle building rep ranges, I did the best exercises, and I worked my ass off.
Then I was rewarded.
When I came home for Christmas, the first thing my brother said to me when he saw me was “holy shit”.
During that semester, I packed on 20 lbs of muscle. My neck and arms were bursting out of my shirt, and my shoulders look like they doubled in width. I finally felt good about my body.
Now that I am an expert in gaining muscle, I can help you do the same. Over and over.
Just Imagine...
- Building 25 lbs of muscle this year so that your clothes actually looked fitted.
- Growing muscle so that your body looks strong and masculine instead of feminine and frail.
- Looking good and having confidence so that other people in the gym ask you for tips on looking awesome.
Don’t Take My Word For It, Here’s What Other People Have to Say:
Scott gained 8lbs of muscle and accidentally lost 9lbs of fat
Tyler gained 11.9lbs of solid muscle
Martin gained a solid 4lbs and lost some fat in the process
“Looking back on the experience as a whole I think it was a good use of my time. I leaned out and gained some muscle which is what the purpose of this program was. The best parts of the program were the workouts and the eating.” – Martin B.
“Through Jason’s program, I was able to drop 24 lbs of fat in 5 months. He made it easy for me to slowly change my nutrition so it felt like I wasn’t even dieting at all. I saved a bunch of money on supplements because he told me which ones wouldn’t do anything. The workouts were short and intense, and I could really feel something afterwards.” – David T.
“Before Jason’s workouts and nutrition, I fluctuated between 133 and 134 lbs. I’ve made significant progress and now weigh 162 lbs with much more muscle and have even lost fat. I’ve made significant strength gains. I started out with really light weights and now I’m able to lift over 200lbs in the deadlift. I’d highly recommend Jason’s workouts and nutrition programs.” – Paul T.
Jason Maxwell is one of the brightest up and coming fitness experts I know.
Geoff Girvitz Strength Coach and Owner of Bang Fitness Toronto
Simply put, this guy is awesome! Jason knows exactly what he’s talking about and makes sure that there is always a solution for any problems or issues. The progress after the first month has been astounding and I have received nothing but compliments from friends & family on the change in my ‘new look’. Most of all, I feel significantly better about myself and am easily twice as fit as I was prior to beginning the program! If you want a change for the better, don’t hesitate, Jason is the guy!
Jon Mendes Web Designer
What If My Crappy Genetics Force Me to Never Build Muscle…Ever?
Here’s the truth:
99% of workout programs created by so-called experts fail to take advantage of using the building up all muscle fibres, and cycle through rep ranges. It has nothing to do with genetics. That’s the reason why you weren’t able to build muscle in the past. Your workouts need to have been based around building all the muscle fibres and cycling through rep ranges so you don’t hit a plateau in order for you to accomplish your goal.
When you do train in all rep ranges in your workouts, your muscles will grow. This formula is what’s missing from other workout programs.
Here's What Works Perfectly
In the Hybrid Muscle Cycle, you’re finally going to build muscle and finally look strong and jacked faster than ever before, all because you will be using the cycling through rep ranges in order to accelerate your muscle growth.
You will use workouts that use all rep ranges, which take advantage of the keys to muscle growth scientifically proven to make muscles grow for up to 48 hours later, allowing you to build muscle while you’re at work, at home sitting on your couch watching TV, or even while you sleep.
On top of this, the confidence you will experience while having a jacked body will allow you to feel happier in day-to-day life, giving you the chance to have more success in life, whether it is financially, dating, or making friends.
In the Hybrid Muscle Cycle, You Will Get:
The Hybrid Muscle Cycle Workouts
These are the workouts that will get you jacked. Each cycle lasts a month, and can be repeated up to 11 times, for a total of 12 total months of workouts…without ever hitting a plateau. There are 20 total different workout days in the Hybrid Muscle Cycle Workouts, and you will train for a total of 5 times per week. Normally, to train with me in person, it costs $115 per session. For a single cycle, this would cost $2300 for all 20 workouts…but I’ll be giving you the workouts for a fraction-of-a-fraction of that.
The Hybrid Muscle Workout Schedule
This section of the book tells you exactly when to workout in order to make the best progress possible.
The Hybrid Muscle Cycle Nutrition Plan
This section of the book tells you exactly how many carbs, protein, and fat to eat each day of the program. On top of this, it tells you which foods to eat, as well as the best time to “cheat” on your diet without losing and progress.
The Hybrid Muscle Cycle Supplement Guide
This section tells you exactly what supplements to take in order to make the best progress and build muscle as fast as possible.
Limited Time Sale

The Hybrid Muscle Cycle is not available anywhere else, and is only available for sale this week only. After that, I’m taking this page down and it will be gone forever.
Why It’s Only $19…
I’m only charging $19 for this program for 3 reasons.
$19 puts the program within reach of thousands of people.
It's not expensive and I want to make sure that everyone can have access to the Hybrid Muscle Cycle.
It's for serious people only.
Anyone who's not serious enough about building muscle to invest just $19 into this program isn't going to take the time to use the program anyway.
It's the cost of a couple drinks at a bar.
Anyone who is serious enough to put down the price of a couple drinks at the bar and buy this program has the opportunity to build 5, 10, or even 15 lbs of muscle.
So if you’re serious about building muscle, then click the “Get Immediate Access” button below. If you need to justify the expense, skip going to Chipotle for dinner once this week and it’s paid for.

My 60 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee
If you don’t experience the most awesome, simplest muscle growth of your life, or if you did not achieve as great results as you have on a previous program:
Then just ask for a refund within 60 days and I will give you every dollar, every quarter, and every single penny back.
In fact, I’m positive that The Hybrid Muscle Cycle will work for you. Push the “Get Instant Access” button below and start building quality muscle today.
I am confident that this is the simplest method to building muscle. If it doesn’t help you do this, then I’m happy to let you have it for FREE. Does this sound fair?
If you follow the Hybrid Muscle Cycle exactly as written and don’t experience quick and sustained muscle growth, then email me and I will refund you every cent and let you have it for free.
If you don’t invest in the Hybrid Muscle Cycle and miss out on this limited time sale (only available this week), you could possibly be at your muscle building plateau forever. Never will you get the body that you have worked so hard for. Never will you be able to build enough muscle to feel confident and happy about your body. The possibility of this happening is not worth it if you ever want to get jacked.
To tell you the truth, the only risk involved here is for me. I’m risking it all to give you my amazing high value program for free if it doesn’t work. I’m giving you 60 days to decide. Basically, you get to try out the program, and if it doesn’t work, you get your money back. Simply click the “Get Instant Access” button below.
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
While 80-90% of the program uses dumbbells and barbells, the remaining 10-20% uses machines that can be found at any gym.
As a bonus, you will receive the Hybrid Muscle Cycle Home-Gym Exercise Substitution Guide. This guide provides exercise substitutions for people who have home gyms that include: dumbbells and barbells. No machines necessary.
Since you are training every single muscle fiber and using many different rep ranges, you'll be squeezing this all into 5 workouts per week, and the whole program lasts 1 month.
What I've noticed is that with most people who are serious about building muscle, committing to 5 workouts per week for only 1 month is easy to accomplish.
The Hybrid Muscle Cycle is a digital eBook available for instant download. You can read it on your computer or your favorite e-reader. It is in PDF format.
P.S. As Einstein once said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again when it doesn’t work.” So if you keep doing what you’re doing now, you’ll be in the same place next year…with no muscle. Don’t let your unattractive body rule your life. The solution is using the Hybrid Muscle Cycle because it maximizes the muscle growth, getting rid of your unattractive body forever.
P.P.S. With the Hybrid Muscle Cycle, there is only one mistake you can make: not letting the program work for you. Because of this, I’m giving you “My 60 Day Money Back Guarantee” to allow you to start to build a big and athletic body that will make you feel more fit and confident. Thanks to my clients, test subjects, and proven science, I know that this simple program works. Join me RISK-FREE today.
The Hybrid Muscle Cycle is a digital eBook available for instant download.
You can read it on your computer or your favorite e-reader.