Pain and Gain Workout
With the anticipation of Pain and Gain’s release on April 26th, people are starting to notice: Mark Wahlberg and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson are absolutely jacked. After all, a movie about bodybuilders wouldn’t be the same if the characters resembled Andrew Garfield (yes, I think Garfield should have at least tried to put on muscle…
6 Amazing Hacks for Being Amazing
You’re about to learn some infinite wisdom from a very smart Dude named, Jason Maxwell. If you’re not familiar with life-hacking, then you’re about to get your mind blown. Basically, life-hacking is like using secret tricks to get big results. Sometimes the results are money. Other times it’s happiness or uber-fitness. Either way, it’s usually…
The Workouts: Step 2 for Perfect Proportions and Optimal Muscle Mass
As promised, this is Step 2 for reaching perfect body proportions. If you’re looking for part 1, click here: (J)Max Aesthetics: Step 1 for Perfect Proportions and Optimal Muscle Mass Finished reading Step 1? Good, let’s get into Step 2, shall we? You now know your weakest body part. Now it’s time to make it…
Shake it up Baby, Now: DIY Pre, Intra, and Post Workout Shakes
Michael Bluth: What have we always said is the most important thing? George Michael Bluth: Breakfast Michael Bluth: Family George Michael Bluth: Oh, right. Family. I thought you meant of the things you eat. This dialogue commences the first episode of the funniest show on TV, Arrested Development. Evidently, George Michael has to get his…
(J)Max Aesthetics: Step 1 for Perfect Proportions and Optimal Muscle Mass
You’re going to need a bigger boat. I know that you already know this. This is what optimal muscle mass is all about. Bigger is usually better. Yet, there is always the chance of being too big.