A Definitive Guide To Building Muscle With Bodyweight Exercises
One of the biggest myths in the fitness industry is that bodyweight exercises are only useful for leaning out. So many guys think that to get big, they need to have a gym membership to gain access to free weights and resistance machines. Well that’s just not true. The truth is, it doesn’t matter whether…
Blood Flow Restriction Training: An Interview with Jeremy Loenneke
Like injecting heroin, Blood Flow Restriction training involves wrapping your limbs so that the blood can’t exit your muscles; all while lifting weights. Jason Maxwell sat down to chat with the “Blood Flow Restriction Expert”, Jeremy Loenneke. Here’s what happened. Jason Maxwell: So, Jeremy, I just want to start off and tell me 3 important things…
Bulking Up Intelligently
The six-pack season is over. You suddenly realize that while you sported a decent set of abs, you didn’t look as big and hard as you would have liked. This is why you are going to eat some serious food this winter and make sure your shirts no longer fit. That’s the story of most…
Master the Squat for Tree Trunk Legs
The Squat may be the most revered exercise for lower body development, and for good reason – it just freaking works. Athletes from Bodybuilder Tom Platz, to powerlifter Kirk Karwoski, have built mammoth legs with a diet of heavy, brutal squats. The question is not if squats will build big legs, but rather how to…
Diet Variety is the Spice of Life
Ultimately, the goal of any diet is to be sustainable and to see the best impact on health and body composition. I can recall numerous experiences with people asking me why I was eating certain things while I was “dieting.” The mantra held for the longest time that if you were dieting to lose weight it…