Ask the Experts: How Do You Get Big Calves?

Calf training is a funny thing. Some people are born with great calves, while others have to work hard to build them. I asked 18 fitness experts the following question “How do you get big calves?”. These were their answers: Anthony Dexmier Calves can be a tricky body part for a lot of people, but everyone…

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5 Secrets from a 700lb Deadlifter

People often assume that, because I deadlift 700+ pounds, I was always a good deadlifter. This is not the case. I had to work for years to get my deadlift where it is today. If I could get the bar past my knees, I could always lock it out, but a lot of the time…

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cover model

The Badass Guide to A Cover Model Physique

Since the dawn of lifting man, every guy has been obsessed with achieving a physique that commands respect from their fellow bros, and leaves the ladies’ hearts’ racing. Even though society seems to have some vendetta against people who want to look sexy (naked) – and I agree that there is more to being healthy…

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Buyer Beware: 3 Supplement Scams Effective At Thinning Your Wallet, Not Your Waistline

If you’re new to the fitness industry, you’re in for a world of hurt. Plain and simple. There are thousands of sharks lurking who can smell the blood on you. If you’re a newbie to fitness – tread with caution or get eaten alive. Don’t start with google. You’ll leave more confused than ever, and…

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leg workouts

12 Methods to Make Your Leg Workouts Harder

Everyone wants a strong and ripped body, but no one wants to train their legs. While Monday is the international day for training the chest, Friday is known as “Skip leg day”.Your legs have some of the biggest muscles on your body, and if you train your body, then you should also train your legs.…

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