Muscle Mind Control: The Secret To Making Gains
It’s there. Deep in the back of your mind. You won’t admit it, but you dream about it while you curl your dumbbells. It becomes a mental image you use as you grind out that last rep on the bench. The ideal physique. One like Arnold’s — a wide back, massive arms, and prominent chest.…
Bodybuilding 101: 5 Lessons From Golden Era Greats
Bodybuilding is no longer what it once was. The picturesque symmetry, sharp lines, small waists, and graceful posing that was more a performing art than anything has been replaced with something much less appealing. Something that’s much more damaging to the current image, state, and perspective of bodybuilding. I’m talking about the MASS monsters,…
Old School Muscle Building Secrets To Add Serious Mass
There are numerous reasons why individuals decide to spend their time at the gym. For some, this is because of health-related reasons and efforts to lead a healthier lifestyle. For others, this is connected with attaining the perfect physique, building muscle mass and increasing their strength. Either way, we can all benefit from the advice…
Can You Gain Muscle And Lose Fat At The Same Time?
We live in sad times for bodybuilding. Although broscience is finally losing face, it’s being replaced by what I can only describe as bodybuilding nihilism (‘nothing-ism’). Nothing supposedly matters. Nutrient timing? Just eat when you feel like eating. Full-body or split training? Whichever you prefer. Eating clean? Bro, what has washing your food got to…
MAXimize your recovery, MAXimize your growth
Much of our modern civilization and society is built upon the “more is better” mindset. In the context of bodybuilding and getting jacked, there are more ill effects that arise when this mentality permeates a lifter’s brain than there are positive. The “more is better” mentality goes against all of your body’s natural…